Magic Garden is a place where relationships matter.
We aim to develop reciprocal relationships embracing families & whānau. We value the wealth of knowledge our families bring and share, and we join them in partnership to enable children to grow and reach their full potential. We value the multiple cultures in our community and respect and celebrate children's cultural heritage & identity.
Parents, family & whānau, you understand and know your child better than anyone. We encourage you to share this information with our teachers and together support your child’s learning. Before your child begins at Magic Garden we will discuss ways of you getting to know our centre and being involved in settling your child.
We value our relationships with parents and ask you to be involved in our program in the following ways.
Before your child begins at Magic Garden we share our values and ways of beginning at our centre and settling your child while you share your values and practice with us.
We give parents information sheets about our Magda Gerber and Reggio Emilia practices to enable understanding of our approach of respectful care.
We encourage you to:
Contribute entries about your family’s celebrations, events, and holidays in your child’s individual portfolio.
Read weekly emails with centre news and program happenings.
Respond to centre surveys and questionnaires.
Contribute ‘beautiful’ recycled materials for our centre program.

Attend special functions or social occasions.
We want you to spend time in the centre and become part of the family that cares for your child.
If you have something you want to share please approach us directly to discuss how we can collaborate with you.